Latinx Voters

Cecy Garcia
5 min readOct 23, 2020
Picture from @weallgrowlatina

The year 2020 will mark a special year for Latinx voters. It is projected that around 32 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in the 2020 election before election day in November. Now that Generation Z is eligible to vote as well, most of the Generation Z that is registered to vote is Hispanic.

Many Hispanic voters were affected deeply during this pandemic. It has harmed their personal finances and relationships. Spouses had to take away from their savings in order to survive and live day to day. About 53% of Hispanics have been laid off or have had their checks cut due to COVID-19.

“Since the outbreak started in February, significant shares of Hispanics say they have used money from savings or retirement funds to pay bills (43%), had trouble paying bills (37%), gotten food from a food bank (30%) or had problems paying their rent or mortgage (26%),” said Jens Manuel Krogstad and Mark Hugo Lopez.

Because of how COVID-19 has impacted the Hispanic community deeply, they have confidence in Biden to handle and take care of the public health impact. More than half of the Latinx voters are casting their votes towards Joe Biden. They feel that President Donald Trump has handled the pandemic issues poorly.

“Meanwhile, 66% have confidence in Biden to make good decisions about economic policy, up from 58% who said so in June. In an earlier survey this summer, Latino voters said the economy, health care and the coronavirus outbreak were three of the most important issues to their vote for president,” said Jens Manuel Krogstad and Mark Hugo Lopez.

Generation Z eligible voters who are the ages between 18 to 23, could change the presidential election this year. It is said that Generation Z is more racially and ethnically diverse than older generations such as millennials and Generation X.

“The impact Gen Zers have on the election will depend in large part on voter turnout,” said Amanda Barroso.

Photo taken by Cecy Garcia.

Families of Gen Z Hispanics are depending on them to be their voices throughout this year’s election. Many Gen Z Hispanics’ parents are immigrants and are not eligible to vote. This could be another reason why Gen Z is eager to participate and vote this year.

“While the majority (55%) are white, 22% are Hispanic. In fact, Gen Z Hispanics make up the largest group of the Latino vote compared to Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers and older voters,” said Alicia Neaves.

This year’s Presidential Election will be the first where Latinos will be considered the largest minority group of eligible voters.

“The percentage of Latino voters has grown significantly since 2000 when they represented just 7% of voters while Black voters represented 12%,” said Brandon Lewis.

Latinx voters are starting to take a stand for their community and be the voice of those who cannot. Nationally, there are more Latinx voters that are registered Democrats than Republicans. A lot of this has to do with a lot of racial slurs President Trump has said or tweeted.

Democrats have executed better in terms of extending to Texas Latinx voters. The democratic Latinx voters believe that the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, will handle their main concerns and issues safely and wisely.

“The top issue for Texas Latino Voters was the response to COVID-19–44% said it was among the most important topics for the next president to address. Thirty-one percent said lowering the cost of healthcare was a top issue,” said Elizabeth Trovall.

In a lot of Latinos’ eyes, they see President Trump to only worry about the rich and wealthy people. They believe that the reason it is hard for their community to get out a poor and low-income community is because of the president. They want a president who says that they will help the Hispanic community.

Bernie Sanders has done particularly well with the Latino community so far,” said Angélica M. Casas.

It is believed that Bernie Sanders has impacted the Latino community to vote in this year’s election. He has brought up issues that have affected their community and has mentioned what he would do to change that. Many Latinos had hoped for him to become a candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Young and old Latinos are ready to become the change in this year’s election. They are ready to get their voices heard and to stand up for their community.

Photo taken by Cecy Garcia.



Cecy Garcia

Broadcast Journalism student at the University of Houston | CoogTV Reporter | Telemundo Brand Ambassador | Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @cecygnews